Last Updated December 23, 2023 by Davina Kelly
Do you want to learn how to create a morning routine? In this post, will be sharing some ideas that you can use to create a routine that works for you.
Creating a morning routine that you can stick to can be challenging. But it can have many positive benefits once you figure out what works for you.
Not everyone is a morning person naturally, but with the right routine, you can become one.
As a morning person who loves having a routine, I am going to share some ideas you can use to create the best routine for yourself.
You are going to learn how to create a morning routine that you can stick to consistently.
After implementing these ideas you will be a morning person who looks forward to their routine.
This post is all about how to create a morning routine.
What are The Benefits Of a Morning Routine?
There are many positive benefits of having a morning routine.
Having a routine in the morning sets the tone for your day. It will allow you to ease into the day and not feel rushed.
It is time alone for you to pour into yourself. This should be a sacred time for you to do your favourite rituals. This can include things like making your favourite tea, reading a book, or stretching.
Having this time in the morning will allow you to take care of yourself before dealing with everything else the day brings.
You can also use your morning routine to build some healthy habits for yourself. For example, you can include things like making time to clear your mind, move your body, learn, and work on your goals. These habits can make you more productive, reduce stress, improve your mood, and have more control of your day.
What Is Included In a Morning Routine?
Your morning routine should include whatever you need to set yourself up for a good day.
Some things are recommended to include in your routine such as waking up early, meditation, and exercise.
But ultimately you should include whatever it is that you need to help you. I believe your routine should be tailored to you and your needs.
For example, if you struggle to find time for mindfulness that should be a priority in your morning routine.
There are no rules, your routine should be a sacred time for you to do things for yourself.
11 Best Tips For Creating A Morning Routine:
1. Have a Good Night’s Sleep
The key to having a good morning routine is to have a good evening routine.
It all starts the night before and the most important part is having a good night’s sleep.
If you don’t sleep well you will struggle to wake up. You will be tired and maybe even moody and this will throw everything else off.
What time you go to bed and how long you sleep is dependent on your needs.
Experts recommend we sleep for at least 7 – 8 hours a night, but some people can sleep for 6 hours and function well. I am not one of those people lol I need 8 hours.
Think about how many hours of sleep you need and then decide on your bedtime.
You can decide to go to bed by a certain time, like 10.30 for example.
Or you can think about what time you want to wake up in the morning and work backwards.
For example, if you want to wake up at 6 am and need 8 hours of sleep you know that you need to be sleeping by 10 pm.
I would recommend going to sleep at the same time every night. This will allow your body to adjust and you will find that you start to get tired around the same time each night.
2. Wake Up Early
Waking up early is a great way to start your morning. Doing this will allow you to take your time to complete your routine so you won’t feel rushed.
But the time you choose to wake up is up to you.
I don’t believe you need to wake up at 5 am. Don’t get me wrong, waking up at 5 am has great benefits, but I don’t think it is necessary for everyone.
The time you wake up should be based on what works best for you.
If you have children or a job, you should wake up early enough to allow yourself time to complete your morning routine before you have to deal with your children or start work.
This will allow you to have time for yourself before having to deal with everyone else.
For example, if you start work at 9 am and your morning routine takes an hour and you need another hour to get ready for work, you should wake up at 7 am at the latest.
I would suggest setting your alarm for 6.45 am at first to allow yourself a little time to wake up properly before starting your routine. When the alarm goes off do not press snooze! Lol
I know it can be hard at first if you are not used to waking up early. But trust me your body will adapt quickly, and before you know it you will be waking up before your alarm!
3. Express Gratitude
Every day we wake up and get to experience another day is a blessing, so we should show gratitude.
This can be as simple as saying thank you when you open your eyes. Or you could just smile.
I know some days we may not wake up feeling happy, but even in those moments, we can show gratitude for the day.
Every day is another chance at life, it is a brand new slate. Starting your morning by expressing gratitude for this will start your day on the right trajectory.
4. Drink Plenty Of Water
Our bodies are mostly made up of water, and after sleeping all night, we are dehydrated.
Drinking water first thing in the morning has many benefits. It will hydrate your body, flush your lymphatic system, can help with bowel movement, and will help you feel more awake.
I would recommend drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up, so this will be the first thing in your stomach. If you can drink two glasses, that is even better.
Try this for a few weeks and see how different you feel.
I never used to drink water. Like at all. Then a few years ago I started drinking water first thing in the morning, now it is the only drink I consume when I am thirsty and my body is thanking me for it.
5. Make Time To Be Mindful
Making time to be mindful in the morning has so many benefits such as mental clarity, focus, improved concentration, and reduced anxiety.
It is dedicated time alone to clear your mind and have some peace before starting your day.
Throughout the day our minds are constantly racing, we have a million thoughts, a never-ending to-do list, and other people’s thoughts and feelings to deal with.
So having time in the morning to quiet your mind is really important.
Being mindful is about slowing down, being present, and paying attention to your thoughts and feelings. There are many ways to do this. see some ideas below.
If you haven’t tried it before, don’t be intimidated. You can start small with 5 minutes and increase the time when you feel ready.
You can use an app like Calm, you can listen to a guided meditation on YouTube or you can just try to sit still in silence for a short period.
The more often you do it, the easier it will become. Try different methods and see what works for you.
Read here to learn more about the benefits of meditation.
Breathing exercises
You can simply focus on your breathing. You can set an alarm for 5 minutes, to begin with, and take deep breaths.
Doing this will slow down your breathing and allow you to focus.
Find a quiet place to sit, set a timer and just take deep breaths in and out slowly.
Say affirmations
Saying positive affirmations is another great mindfulness practice. This is a great way to start your day on a positive note.
There are meditations specifically for positive affirmations that you could do. Or you could find some affirmations that you like and sit alone in silence while saying them.
You can say the affirmations to yourself, or you can say them out loud. Do what feels right.
Another option is to pray.
When trying to incorporate this step into your routine, the key is to keep trying until you find what works for you and be consistent with it.
6. Journal
Journaling in the morning is another great way to start your day.
Taking time to release your thoughts through words can be very therapeutic. It is another way to express yourself.
The benefits of journaling are similar to being mindful as you are focusing on your mind.
But it is also different because being mindful is more focused on being still and present whereas journaling is a way to express your thoughts.
Both have a positive impact on you in the morning, so you can choose both or just one.
You can keep this part simple, all you need is a notebook and a pen. I am sure you have one lying around, if not you can get one from Amazon or your local stationery supply shop.
Once you have your notebook, find a quiet place, get comfortable, and just write.
A great way to start your journal is with gratitude. You can write a few things that you are grateful for, I would recommend at least three.
Once you have done that you can just brain-dump. Whatever is on your mind, write it down.
It doesn’t have to be perfect, this is just for you. There are journal prompts that you can use to help you if you prefer to structure your writing. Or you can just write what is on your mind.
Again, do what works for you. You can do this for 15 – 20 mins if you want to keep this within a certain time limit.
Related: Journal Prompts For Self Growth
7. Read a Book
Including reading in your morning routine can be very impactful.
Reading in the morning will contribute to starting your day in a meaningful way. It can also be a chance to learn.
The type of book you read is up to you, I enjoy reading self-improvement books.
This genre of books can help you become a better person, as they contribute to change and improvement.
They can give you strategies to implement in your everyday life to be better.
You should choose a genre of book that you enjoy reading. For example, a lot of people enjoy reading novels.
Finding the genre you enjoy reading will encourage you to stick to reading. The signs of a good book are one that you can’t put down and look forward to reading.
Here are some of my favourites.
- The 7 Habits of highly effective people – This is a really good book about how to be effective in all areas of life. From family to work and personal life.
- Atomic Habits – This book goes deeper into the benefits of Habits and some simple but effective ways to implement them.
If you don’t enjoy reading, you can listen to audiobooks instead.
The important thing is to take in the information, doing this in the morning will contribute to starting your day on the right track.
You can read a chapter, 10 pages, or for 30 mins, choose which option works best for you.
8. Move Your Body
Moving your body is great for your overall health, but doing it as part of your morning routine has extra benefits.
Doing this in the morning will ensure that it gets done, so if you are tired later in the day it is ok as you would have moved your body in the morning.
Taking time for your body is powerful. Our bodies carry us so moving it in a way you enjoy will ensure you keep your body healthy.
Exercise in the morning has benefits such as increased focus, more energy, and increased alertness.
It can also improve your mood as when you exercise you release endorphins which make you feel good.
The exercise you choose doesn’t have to be anything complicated, it can be something simple.
Here are some options:
- 30-minute walk
- 30-minute jog
- Dancing
- Stretching
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Strength training
All of these exercises are great options that have various benefits. You can choose one or try different exercises throughout the week.
You can also choose to move your body daily or just a few times a week. Choose what is best for you and your lifestyle, the most important thing is that you move your body.
9. Have a Nutritious Breakfast
After drinking some water to hydrate your body and getting in some movement it is time to have a healthy balanced breakfast.
Starting your day with a balanced meal is great for your body and mind. If you have a meal that includes all of the macronutrients, protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates you are starting your day moving in the right direction.
Doing this will keep you fuller for longer and can have a positive impact on what you crave throughout the rest of your day.
If you begin your day with a balanced meal instead of something high in sugar it will keep you satisfied.
You can keep it simple, think of what you enjoy for breakfast and make a healthy balanced version of it. For example, if you like to eat cereal you can swap it for oatmeal. I know oatmeal can be boring, but adding some spices and fruits creates a tasty nutritious breakfast.
If you want some ideas, have a look at Pinterest. There are plenty of recipes and inspiration to choose from.
10. Plan Your Day
To have a productive day you need a plan. Part of your morning routine should include planning your day.
Having a plan for your day will help you be productive and get all the important things done. If you are someone who plans for the week, then this could just be you checking your schedule to see what tasks you need to complete that day.
If not you can make a list of the top 3 things you need to complete. I would suggest prioritising the hardest task first.
Completing the hardest task at the beginning of your day will ensure that you get it done as you will have more energy, and this will also help you feel accomplished.
You may have heard the saying “Failing to plan is planning to fail”, and we don’t want to fail.
11. Include Something You Enjoy Doing
I have mainly focused on the practical aspects of creating a morning routine, but I think you should also include something you enjoy doing.
Your routine should be enjoyable and make you feel good.
Whatever it is that you enjoy doing in the morning, you should make time for it.
If you enjoy your skincare routine, you should ensure that you include time for it.
Or if you enjoy singing in the shower, you should make time for that. Put on your favourite music and sing until your heart is content lol.
The important thing is to include something you enjoy, doing this will make you happy 🙂
I have shared some ideas about how to create a morning routine. You can choose to include all of these ideas in your routine, or just include the ones that work best for you. The order you complete them also doesn’t matter.
The most important thing to remember is that this is YOUR routine so it needs to be right for you and your lifestyle.
I know that there are plenty of examples of morning routines, and they all look aesthetically pleasing. I love watching them myself, but you don’t have to follow them if it doesn’t work for your lifestyle. You can use them as inspiration, but don’t be rigid and try to follow what others do.
Something else to note as well is that you need to be flexible. I say this because every day won’t be the same and that is ok.
Some days you may be extra tired and need to sleep a little longer. Or something may come up and you have to skip a step in your routine. If this happens it is ok and perfectly normal.
If you have created a morning routine that is right for you and that you follow 90% of the time you are winning lol
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is a Perfect Morning Routine?
The perfect morning routine prepares you for a good start to the day. It should also be one that you can stick to.
You should include the steps you need to help you achieve this.
I would say there are 3 important things you should include in your routine. They are waking up early, express gratitude, and practice mindfulness techniques.
You should also include something you enjoy doing.
How Long Should a Morning Routine Be?
If I had to give a time I would say it should last about an hour.
But the reality is, it should last as long as you have time.
For example, if you wake up 2 hours before work and your routine takes 1.5 hours that is perfectly fine.
There are no rules, your routine is all about what works for you.
What are 5 Daily Routines?
If you had to complete your morning routine with 5 daily routines, these are the routines I would follow.
- Express gratitude
- Drink a glass of water
- Practice mindfulness
- Read
- Plan your day
These daily routines are simple but effective. It touches on the important elements that will set you up for a good day.
I have shared some helpful ideas you could implement when creating your morning routine. I hope that you now feel prepared to create a routine you can stick to.
This post was all about how to create a morning routine.
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Davina Kelly
Hey! I'm Davina, the owner of Davinas Finance Corner. I'm passionate about finding ways to budget, save, earn more money and improve your life. After breaking free from payday loan debt and living paycheck to paycheck I want to share my experience to help other women improve their finances.